Courage & Doll

Taking The TCAP: Do We Still Got It? - Episode 132



One, two, three. Eyes on me! Alright  . . . it's time to take our TCAP tests. Life is just a classroom, and in this week's episode, that's exactly where we're headed. If you live in the state of Tennessee and were in school before 2015, you may remember taking the Tennessee Comprehensive Learning Program assessment at the end of each year. We certainly do. Peppermints for brain power and stretching routines to alleviate anxiety were all a part of the process. Now that we're both college grads, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to see what we do and don't remember from third grade. Stick around for heartfelt reading passages, forgotten math properties, and trick questions.  Take The TCAP Yourself: Do you remember middle school you?  Take the quiz, and tweet us your results: Also Mentioned:  Teamwork Makes The Dream Work: School Days K-6: Follow Us: IG: Coming Soon!