Courage & Doll

I Refuse To Cry On The Floor Of A Kroger: A Narrative Essay - Episode 139



This week, we're dusting off the old, five-paragraph essay writing skills in the second (and possibly final installment) of our TCAP series. Can a couple of WWWs (Women Who Write) do it? They can! Though the grading rubric may have changed, we definitely think our masterpiece deserves a high score of 4. Get your brainstorming bubble maps ready, and stick around for competitive kindness, celebrity name dropping, and the despair of a third-grader seeking validation for her actions. Choose your own horror adventure, and ditch the besties who aren't gonna be there for the resties.  Take the quiz, and tweet us your results: Previous TCAP Episode: Choose Your Own Prompt: Score Yourself, Too: Follow Us:  IG: Coming Soon!