Claremont Serial Killings

Episode 1: Revelations



Twenty three years ago, attractive young women began to be abducted at night from the streets of Claremont, an upmarket urban village in Western Australia.They were crimes that sparked waves of terror and dread in a previously safe community.It was not until February 2019 that the gruesome details about the fate of four young, carefree women was revealed to a shocked public.Many people devastated by the murders had long since given up hope of seeing a result for the most expensive police investigation in Australia’s history.Detectives had kept a tight grip on the details of what they believed had happened, the public unaware of what was known behind an iron curtain of military-grade secrecy.In 2016 police announced they had made a breakthrough, and it was 2019 before a court heard what the police really knew about this cluster of rapes and murders.To find out what the judge heard, click here to listen to Revelations, the first episode in the series Claremont Serial Killings.