Toledo Matters Podcast

Episode 24 - Zak Vassar



Episode 24 of the Toledo Matters Podcast – Zak Vassar, CEO/President of the Toledo Symphony Orchestra ——————————————————— With Bob Tucker, Danny Woodcock, & Nathan Lewis ——————————————————— Fun things in the 419 TONIGHT 7/21: EPIC Toledo’s T-Town Dash. Downtown Toledo’s biggest scavenger hunt. Teams of 6 will be combing the town for clues and hidden treasures. -- August 13-14: Bach Around the Clock! - The TSO season doesn't start until September, but Merwin Siu and other TSO musicians are putting on a 24-hour Bach Festival at the Toledo Art Museum - Bach Around the Clock! At the Museum and on Museum Grounds, enjoy the music of Johann Sebastian Bach in this 24-hour live music marathon. -- ——————————– Today’s Guests: *** Zak Vassar *** * CEO/President of the Toledo Symphony Orchestra ( * Toledo Matters Podcast Quiz