Speaking Of The Arts

Episode 31: How we are giving back!



Happy New Year Everyone! This is Mike Epstein and welcome to Speaking of the Arts. At the end of 2016 I made a special announcement on behalf of our booking agency, Epstein & Company. In case you missed it, starting in 2017, we have decided to give back in the form of a special fund for music students who would otherwise not be able to afford private lessons. This means that from now on, every time you book one of our artists, you are helping to empower a music student in need. To accomplish this, we are partnering with an organization called The MusicLink Foundation and today’s guest just so happens to be the founder and director, Dr. Joanne Haroutounian. Before we begin the episode, here’s a little about Joanne - She currently serves on the George Mason University piano faculty and coordinates the various piano pedagogy programs as well as the Music Education Graduate Seminars covering topics concerning artistic and musical talent development. Active internationally as a consultant in the areas of piano