Speaking Of The Arts

Episode 43: Brian Camelio and ArtistShare



Brian Camelio founded ArtistShare in 2001. The platform is now recognized as the Internets first fan-funding platform. ArtistShare enables fans to not only fund their favorite artist’s projects, but to truly become participants in the creative process. Brian was a visionary in that he saw the internet’s potential as a way to connect fans and artists directly. Since 2003, ArtistShare projects have received countless awards and accolades including 30 Grammy nominations and 10 Grammy award wins. In March of 2019, Brian was contacted by the Web Foundation, which was founded by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who is credited with helping to invent the internet. The Web Foundation was celebrating the Web’s 30th birthday and they complied a select timeline of events which included “the launch of ArtistShare which has had a significant contribution to the web.” I learned a lot in my conversation with Brian and hope you find this applicable to your own corner of the arts universe. In particular, we talk about Brian's unique app