The Institute Of World Politics

Safety in Tradition: Homeschooling's Unexpected Rise in Post-Soviet Russia



This event took place on June 6 at The Institute of World Politics with Lauren Mitchell. Lauren Lee Mitchell is the Global Outreach Coordinator for Home School Legal Defense Association and the former Lead Legislative Assistant for HSLDA's Federal Relations team. She is the author of numerous articles and white papers on education issues, managed HSLDA's national anti-Common Core campaign, and is currently planning the 2018 Global Home Education Conference in St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia. Mitchell is the editor of the Around the Globe e-newsletter, and a contributor to the Court Report Magazine. Her work and research focuses on the start-up of international homeschool grassroots organizations, as well as assisting asylum families escaping persecution for homeschooling in totalitarian and post-totalitarian states. Mitchell is a Patrick Henry College Leadership Scholar, Intercollegiate Studies Institute Honors Scholar, and a Harvard Summer Scholar. In various academic capacities, she has spoken to audie