Hawaiian Concert Guide

Mid December Concert Guide Podcast



Concert Guide From: 12/12/2005 To: 01/12/2006 Did you attend any concert mentioned in these podcasts? Got a review? Want to be on the show?! CALL IT IN!! Toll Free: 866-850-1444 I will edit the audio and feature it in the podcast. Mahalo!! Piko Did you miss out on the Uncle Henry Kalana Kamae interview? Still want to purchase his album?! Good news! Uncle now has plenty in stock!! Click HERE for details!! Mahalo, Piko Ukulele Club of Santa Cruz 3rd Annual Holiday Banquet & Potluck Party Meeting Our special guests are the Ukulele Club of Santa Cruz's dear friends Ian & Regina Whitcomb The play-a-long theme is the fabulous music of Hank Williams so bring your Uke! The restaurant wil be serving Turkey, Ham and a Vegetarian Entree and also will be providing all the plates, silverware etc. The cost for the banquet is $ 8.00 but If you can't afford $8.00 - COME ANYWAY!! The club will pick up your tab If you are a cheapskate - COME ANYWAY! - no one will be checking who pays! If you don't want t