American Wannabes's Podcast

Episode 77 - Let Your Office Hear This



Take out your ear buds, crank up the volume, grab your boss, and make sure all the kids are listening. The Wannabes attempt their first SFW, 100% clean show. They talk about haters, diarrhea, El Chapo and ugly rappers smashing. This is gonna go great. --- MERCH ALERT: Be one of the FIRST 5 PEOPLE to comment on this episode on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or and WIN A PRIZE PACK featuring a Wannabes sticker, t-shirt and wireless device charger from! --- Christian lets you know you better back the heck off. Jesus gives up on fashion. Jerry reveals his closet may not look like a man's closet. Then, the guys discuss toilet water, drying your butt, and proper use of the bidet, all while keeping things PG. The family-friendly train keeps rolling with a wholesome GREASE singalong. Things take a questionable turn when Jerry remembers a heavyset woman splayed across the pavement, and Jesus explains what it's like to get snitched on by a white guy. Finally, the EL CHAPO documentary, ugl