Lunar Datebook

The Egg in All of Us and "Moving Day"



Episode 35- March 20, 2015 Eggs are a univsersal symbol of fertility, hope and life.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores this humble food as we celebrate Spring and the New Egg Moon.  She also reads "Moving Day," a story about a man with million dollar songs and not much to show for it.   "...Now that the snow was retreating, the dead soldiers were starting to appear.  Probably three dollars in Busch Lite, Old Milwaukie and Schlitz cans, and another 45 cents in whiskey bottles.  They’d been bagged up once, but good intentions only go so far, and the bag never made it to the bed of Brother Dwayne’s pickup, or the back of Nephew Rocy’s Subaru, or out of the plow’s path...."  Moon Astrology: New Egg Moon is Aries.  Let Spring Begin! Mankind's first food, fertility magic and a 60,000 year old Ostrich egg.