Rainbow Valley

Episode 023 - The Theft Of The Duke Of Wellington



The return of Rainbow Valley – the podcast that tells the stories about the swinging decade. Episode 023  The Theft Of The Duke Of Wellington Dr No, the first big screen outing for Ian Fleming’s James Bond. Its 1962, and the movie would start to lay out a successful formula for most of the other movies that would follow in the series. Of course when we speak about  Dr No, most of us will remember Bonds introduction at the casino, Ursula Andress as Honey Ryder emerging from the sea in ‘that’ bikini or the scene where the spider crawls up Sean Connery’s arm. But what about this scene….and in particular, one specific moment. James Bond and Honey Ryder have just met the evil Dr No in his underground lair. Before crushing an ornament with his metal hand and telling the pair of  SPECTRE’s dastardly plan to hold the world to ransom, they are led away. As they walk up a small set of steps, Bond stops, noticing an oil painting on an easel to his right …. The painting was a portrait of Arthur Wellesly the first Duke o