Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

015: How to Lock in a Habit When Self-Discipline Fails You



Is there something you’ve wanted to turn into a habit but you’ve had a hard time making it stick? There’s a reason why you fail and it has nothing to do with self-discipline. The good news is there is a way to create habits without the failure rate you’ve experienced in the past.  In today’s podcast you’ll get the science and five step strategy to create a habit that sticks easily...without using self-discipline and will power. In this podcast you will... 5:10  Uncover the #1 mistake smart people make when trying to lock in a new habit 7:40 Learn who the real ‘decision maker’ is and how to talk to it so it listens ​ 10:18 Find out my 30-year habit I finally kicked and how I did it using the same techniques I share here 12:34 Identify your ONE habit that would make the greatest difference to your work or life when its locked in 23:20 Understand why making a big change is destined to fail and what to do instead 27:04 Grab the five step strategy to create a habit that sticks -- As a Business and Life Coach, Rita