Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

51. Love Is The First Essential Leadership Principle



What if I told you that you already have the number one strategy to go from good to great? And what if I told you that you also have the first step to solve your biggest problem today? In both cases you do. It’s true. The research is in. The answer is simple, but don’t misinterpret that as insignificant. The simple principle and strategy I am referring to is love.   Bringing love into your leadership, business, parenting, and other relationships generates ideas and solutions to problems that previously could not be seen in its absence. And that’s only part of its power.  Today I’m sharing the rest as well as the practical way to apply your ‘love strategy.’ As you do, you become the solution and the strategy to improving your business, workplace, family, community and our world.   For full show notes and resources, head to Connect with Rita on Instagram @Rita_Hyland_Coaching.