Sons Of The Renaissance

Episode: VI



Comic-Con, more like Comic Khaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!!!!!!!   This week, we're joined on our quest by Sir Spencer the artist.  After discussing his backstory and dissecting Lynch, Fincher, and Donnie Darko, we begin our quest through the murky marshes of comic-con.  We begin by going back to the future to gain knowledge of time travel from masters Zemeckis and Gale before heading back to the present.  We walk though the world of warcraft and the land of goosebumps. we get serious about a killer joke and break the first rule by talking about fight club. We fight zombies with Rick and kill deadites with Ash (groovy).  We pitch Victor Frankenstein a buddy creature movie, then we discuss what we would like to see in reality television.  A mysterious man in a trenchcoat comes and saves us from vampires, and we take a look at the future of starfighter.  Finally, we roll a perfect 20 and get to glean wisdom from the nerd kings themselves, Joss Whedon and JJ Abrams.