Sons Of The Renaissance

Episode XXVIII



Who Said Life Was Fair?     In our latest venture into the world of reality (ugh), we ask ourselves an important question. what is fair use, and why is it important? but first, we introduce two new members of our quest, Ser Myke The Dragon Slayer, and The Mistress Of The Dark Kitty. after a brief discussion of our weeks, we discuss how we all know each other (which gets really weird, really fast) and what it is that makes us such close friends. we discuss Leo and his long overdue win, which then devolves into a discussion on saving the planet through the use of superior automotives. finally, we get into the meat of our discussion. youtube and fair use laws.    Thanks for joining us this week, sorry it got a bit dirty LOL.  You can check out Myke and Kitty as they react to all kinds of things at Blessed Be, and until next time.....