Sons Of The Renaissance

Episode XLI



Nightmare Before Halloween,   Welcome back to all the Renaissansonians out there and welcome to the second annual Halloween show.  This year we are joined by longtime friend and supporter of the show, Sir Clint The Supreme Overlord of Earth.  We start out the night discussing why we are all secretly hoping for Trump winning the Presidency, (its not why you think, trust us.  We talk Red Dead 2.  Then we break into the pros and cons of the Nintendo Switch, and then the future of gaming.  Cinemark has a new app called MyLingo, and we all agree that it is awesome.  Sausage Party is looking to get an Oscar.  Clint finally sees the new Ghostbusters, and we discuss the amazing use of Split Depth 3rd Dimension.  Is this the future of 3D? We then talk the season 7 premier of Walking Dead.  Finally we start the main topic of the night Halloween Essentials.   Michael apologizes for the lack of quality in his microphone.  His regular Mic is messed up and had to settle for less than a thoroughbred.  He plans on fixing it