Young Pr Pros

Young PR Pros: Episode #62 - How your body language shapes who you are



This week, Kristine Simpson and Julia Kent talk about the power of body language and how it can shape who you are. We pull this week's topic from a TED Talk by Amy Cuddy a social psychologist and a professor and researcher at Harvard Business School, where she studies how nonverbal behavior and snap judgments affect people from the classroom to the boardroom. Body language is a powerful thing, says Cuddy. The facial expression of a politician can affect 72 per cent of his or her vote outcomes, emoticons used in online negotiation can lead you to claim more value from that conversation if used properly. But more importantly, our body language affects how we feel about ourselves and then reflects that image back to the world. First we discuss how your body posture during an interview can make or break your chances of getting a job. We then discuss Cuddy's concept of power posing. In her TED Talk, she talks about how there is a slight gender gap when it comes to nonverbal cues. Cuddy watches her students walk in