Young Pr Pros

Young PR Pros: Episode #73 - 2013, A Year and a Podcast in Review



This time of year is the best time to reflex, review and learn from your experiences in the past year. But in this episode, Kristine and Julia thought we would take a more holistic glance at not just the past year, but the entire podcast. Young PR Pros has listeners from across Canada, the United states, the U.K. and India. Here is a heat map of the globe to show you where your fellow YPP listeners reside: The top five most popular cities that listen to YPP are: Ottawa, Canada Toronto, Canada Phoenix, U.S. New York, U.S. London, U.K. We also reviewed what our listeners like to hear. Here are the top 10 most listened to episodes: Take uOPRA to Work Day: Episode 2 - Lifestyle and Entertainment with Ottawa Fashion Week Take uOPRA to Work Day: Episode 1 - Technology with MediaMiser Take uOPRA to Work Day: Episode 3 - Communication Agencies with MediaStyle Episode #65 - Tips for Public Speaking Take uOPRA to Work Day: Episode 4 - Government Relations with Fleishman-Hillard Episode #68 - Peer Pressure Episode #6