Young Pr Pros

Young PR Pros: Episode #80 - Regretting Tweets



As our listeners heard a few weeks ago, host Kristine D'Arbelles got to attend the CPRS student event in Ottawa called Behind the PR Scenes – an evening with Jim Watson. She was lucky enough to get a few moments with the Mayor where she could ask him one question. She asked: Have you ever regretted sending a tweet? In this week's episode, we share the Mayor's answer, and like the good politician he is, he says there was no single tweet he regretted. However, he did mention he regretted getting in to long conversations with people who he knew wouldn't change their mind, conversations that belabor a point and don't help anyone. Kristine and Julia talk about our response to the Mayor's answer, the psychology of communicating and the questions you should ask when communicating with a non-respective audience. But we want to hear from you, have you ever regretted sending a tweet? How did you react? Did you delete the post? Apologize? Share your comments below, or on our Facebook Page, or on our Google+ page, or i