Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 110: Circumcision, Girl Boners, & orgasms



Masturbation May. Have you gotten yours on yet? If not, pop over to our exclusive sale with podcast-approved toys and treat yourself to something deliciously naughty. This week, August McLaughlin shares a little about her battle with anorexia and body dysmorphia, plus how that led her to creating Girl Boner. We also field some wonderful questions from listeners on the way our bodies and genitals look, plus struggling with orgasms. In this episode, August and I: Laugh and cringe over the sad state of sex education in the United States. Rarely is pleasure ever mentioned to young people, but if it is, it's usually reserved for folks with a penis, while the only info we get about vulvas is that they have cramps and periods. Explore August's eating disorder and body dysmorphia and how that led her to heal her relationship with her sexuality. Dig into the importance of letting go of shame around our shame. How can we confront our own stories and beliefs to lead a more empowered and authentic life rather than the o