Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 115: Lube & STI master class



Are you ready for a mastery level version of Sex Gets Real? Good. Because this week, Sarah Mueller from Smitten Kitten joins the show to share her research on lube, as well as her findings around herpes and STIs. Did you know some lubes (like KY) actually INCREASE the likelihood of STI transmission because the lube damages your genital tissue? And why does silicone lube damage silicone toys but condoms filled with silicone lube don't? We also field a question from a listener about bacterial vaginosis, which takes us down the rabbit hole of just how little the medical community knows about this condition as well as STI diagnoses. This is an episode you'll want to listen to more than once because the information is so damn important. Settle in and prepare yourself! Psst...did you know you can follow Sex Gets Real on Twitter and Facebook? It's true. Oh! And Dawn is on Instagram. Resources discussed in this episode Ella Dawson's amazing TED Talk about STIs is a must see. The Smitten Kitten carries most of the lub