Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 121: Erotic humiliation & masterful kink



There is something so delicious in talking about something that I have so little experience with. This week's chat with Princess Kali is just that - a fun, playful talk about erotic humiliation, objectification, mastering kink, and being a Dominatrix. It's rich, it's approachable, and it's terribly intriguing. Throughout the episode, Princess Kali drops truthbomb after truthbomb. I adore her story of how she got started as a stripper and Dominatrix. It's not often you find a woman who recognizes that men will be objectifying her simply because she's a woman, and so decides to make a profit off of that behavior. We dig into what humiliation is and why people crave it, how you can tap into your inner Dominant, and what happens when people stifle and ignore their deep sexual desires. Plus, tips for getting your submissive involved in scene planning! As Princess Kali says, kink is a team sport. I can't wait for you to hear this chat. Follow Sex Gets Real on Twitter and Facebook. It's true. Oh! And Dawn is on Inst