Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 122: Porn star & sex work advocate Conner Habib



Conner Habib generously agreed to jump on the phone with me at the last minute for this week's episode, and our conversation is incredibly political and philosophical in ways you don't often hear on the show. This is my second time interviewing Conner and both times we've chatted, I've felt challenged and inspired to think bigger.  Strap on your thinking cap and get ready to feel stretched by some of Conner's ideas about feminism, sex work, consent, and oppression. I also invite you to listen to the entire conversation before forming your ideas and thoughts about some of the radical things Conner has to say. He often makes me uncomfortable with his visionary approach to sensitive subjects like consent, but as you'll hear, he is as self-aware and thoughtful as he is provoking. Sit with any discomfort that comes up and then let me know what you think. Follow Sex Gets Real on Twitter and Facebook. It's true. Oh! And Dawn is on Instagram.  About Conner Habib Conner Habib is an author, a lecturer, a porn performer