Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 245: ALOK on body hair, art, friendship, legacy, & the violence of gender



Enter to win “Girl Sex 101” and “Bad Dyke” by Allison Moon to celebrate the New Year! Cut off for entries is January 15, 2019. One lucky winner will be selected at random , so enter now. U.S. and Canada folks only. Also, if you're looking for support around healing your relationship with your body, deepening your relationship with a partner, unpacking your desire, and finding more pleasure, I'd love to work one-on-one with you. Learn more at ALOK is here. It's time to question everything. ALOK is someone I've long admired and learned so much from. Their talk at Explore More Summit 2018 was a fan favorite by a landslide. And for good reason. ALOK is not only an incredible thought-leader, but they are utterly transparent about the violence, harm, and vulnerability of living in the world as someone who is gender non-conforming - the rawness of how they show is important. We start our chat by fielding a listener question from SC who is struggling with HSV, PCOS, and hirsutism which means SC has bod