Shane Plays

Mythological Figures & Maleficent Monsters for 5E - Episode 224 - 7/16/2020



Mythological Figures & Maleficent Monsters for 5th Edition with Russ Morrissey and Mike Myler. A veritable cornucopia of real life and legendary figures for your game! Hair fuses. American mythology. Knights joust a lot. Jesus as a stat block? The real Peter Pan is kind of creepy. Ra Ra Rasputin. Cryptids. Skunk Apes. Numenera comes to D&D. The Far Side is back (kind of). Hudson the ASBOdog. Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #224 - 7/16/2020 Like what you hear? Support Shane Plays Geek Talk on Patreon! Shane Plays Geek Talk is carried on Krypton Radio! Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi. Listen to the Shane Plays Geek Talk podcast on YouTube, SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play Music, Podbean and Stitcher (and other fine, fine podcast directories). Hey, you! Yeah, you! Buy cool stuff, support Shane Plays Geek Talk with these affiliate links! Humble Bundle