Shane Plays

OSR Gaming & Frog God Games - Episode 234 - 12-11-2020



Who are Frog God Games? The current state of OSR RPG gaming and some OSR history. Recommendations on trying out OSR games. North Texas RPG Con. Large cons versus intimate cons. Con special guest invitation criteria. Economics of RPG conventions. Economics of the RPG industry. RPG archaeology. Tavern brawls. A cool story about a lost piece of D&D and Gary Gygax history. Michael “Bad Mike” Badolato and Carl Heyl join. Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #234 - 12/11/2020 Like what you hear? Support Shane Plays Geek Talk on Patreon! Shane Plays Geek Talk is carried on Krypton Radio! Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi. Listen to the Shane Plays Geek Talk podcast on YouTube, SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play Music, Amazon Music, Podbean and Stitcher (and other fine, fine podcast directories). Hey, you! Yeah, you! Buy cool stuff, support Shane Plays Geek Talk with these affiliate links! Humble Bundle DriveThru