How Rude! The Full House Podcast

20. Cutting It Close



Kate Kershaw took off her fancy winter gloves so she could give Cutting It Close a thorough examination. In this, the first episode of Season 2, Stephanie alters the course of Jesse's life forever during a simple game of Salon. Here's a lesson for all you new parents out there: A simple game of Salon shouldn't involve a pair of enormous, all too real scissors. Write that down, new parents! We also get to hear about Kate's childhood growing up in Appalachia as well as her sterling Roger Rabbit impression, so don't miss out, ya rude dudes! P.S. Have you left us a five star review in the iTunes Store? You'll receive kisses if you do! We're also on Tumblr ( and feedback can be sent to Thanks again to Zack Shornick for our logo and Cary Davenport for that spiffy cover of the Full House theme!