Military History Podcast

Smedley Butler the Fighting Quaker



Smedley Butler, also known as "The Fighting Quaker" or "Old Gimlet Eye", was an outspoken member of the Marine Corps in the early part of the 20th century. He served in many parts of the world including Central America, the Caribbean, and the Far East. His many acts of heroism include: * Tientsin: Butler and five other men carried a wounded officer 17-miles through heavy fire to get the officer medical attention. The four enlisted men in the group were award the Medal of Honor (officers were ineligible). * Veracruz: Butler became one of the 56 men awarded the Medal of Honor for service in occupying Veracruz, Mexico. * Haiti: Butler led a counterattack against a numerically superior number of Cacos Rebels. He also led an assault into a Cacos rebel fortress, earning him his second medal of honor. * Butler exposed a coup (proposed by industrialists and bankers), thereby preserving FDR's presidency. For more information, read Military History Magazine (February 2003) Military History Podcast is