Making Elephants Fly | Conversations With High Octane Leaders, Dreamers, & Creatives

050: Finding Your People | A Conversation with Brian Dixon



On this episode of Making Elephants Fly, Terry sits down with Brian Dixon. Terry sit's down to talk with Brian about his new book, Start With Your People. Brian Dixon is a podcaster, conference speaker, and business coach. He believes that each of us were made for a purpose. You will discover that purpose by clarifying your calling, discovering your audience, and creating your products, which will help you navigate a clear path to impact and income. Brian is passionate about helping authors, speakers, and aspiring messengers create a sustainable business through growing their platform, and creating compelling online courses. He is the co-founder of hope*writers, a membership site of over 2,000 working writers. Brian has a doctoral degree from the University of San Diego. He and his wife Julie live in Charlotte, NC with their three young children. We learn about an incredible hack to get the most out of live events and build relationships with the people you're trying to get and keep their attention, Jon Acuff