Art Of Meaningful Work

33. I Never Want To Get A Real Job - One Millennial Entrepreneur's Take On Work



This is the first of two interviews with millennial entrepreneurs who are building their own businesses, non-profit organizations, and eschewing a “real job” in favor of pursuing their passion.   I was curious to speak with them because their generation is a big mystery to most companies, HR personnel, managers, and marketers. Everyone wants to “figure them out”. There are even studies that compared the work ethic between baby boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. As it turns out, there are no significant differences between them. So, next time someone tells you millennials are lazy, point them to this podcast.   Today’s interview is with Martin Medina, an entrepreneurship student in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He already launched a series of YouTube channels, runs a digital agency, and a writes a business blog. We talk about “following your passion”, building a business, finding a community, and what stops people from trying.   You can find Martin at:   And you can get in touch with me