Art Of Meaningful Work

39. 3 Lessons Learned By Interviewing Dozens Of Entrepreneurs in 2016



What did I learn by interviewing dozens of entrepreneurs, authors, thinkers, and creators in 2016? Throughout these conversations, there were three common threads that stood out. Listen to some of my favorite clips from previous guests as we cover:   Start Now - Some of us tend to overanalyze and procrastinate. It stops us from starting and finishing projects. The antidote? Start now, and start small. It helps create momentum, and alleviates the fear of failure, and the never-ending pursuit of perfection that stops us from doing our work.   Trust Your Gut - Success happens at the intersection of opportunity, the skills to take advantage of that opportunity, and trusting your instincts. Trusting your gut is trusting the collection of all your subconscious experiences collected over a lifetime. We repress this internal guidance system, and second-guess ourselves leading to poor choices and regret.   One At A Time - Most of us are impatient. We want to reach success faster, sometimes without the patience require