Honestly Lisa

Episode 110: Do Overshares live longer? feat. Robin and Lacie



I have Robin Greenspan & Lacie Harmon this week and I feel so honored to have them on my show. I’ ve known Lacie for maybe 25 years! We met doing stand up comedy and low and behold 25 years later we have not lost our sense of humor! And we are still a making comedy, albeit mostly online but we are still here! Lacie and I have floated through each others lives but never really sat down and talked. I met Robin and honestly if I could pick my parents I would pick them! Or my neighbors. I fell in love with them and you will too! Show Notes! Robin and Lacie have been together for 21 years. Life throws us major curve balls in our relationships Robin & Lacie Youtube Amy Schumer made 38.5 million dollars net Girl Play with Dom DeLuise and Mink Stole Lisa says "I love seeing everybody naked, are you kidding?" "We have over sharing in common" "You have to be an idiot not to be terrified right now about what's happening in this country." "I've heard even Eckhart Tolle reads hims comments and feels bad." says Li