Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 10: Hani Mourra – One Dream After Another



Many people have dreams and skills that could support those dreams. But they don’t always know it. In this episode of Chasing Dreams, Aimee J. is chatting with someone whose dreams took shape as he put his skills to work. Hani Mourra is a software engineer who somewhat stumbled into the internet by helping a friend get some videos onto (YouTube). The friend began to see great traffic on his videos and encouraged Hani to consider making a business out of what he was doing, somehow. Listen in as Hani shares his story with Aimee. There’s no doubt you’ll find something encouraging to prompt you on your own dream chasing journey. TWEET: Small steps, from one #dream to another. Hear Hani Mourra’s story on this episode Many times the dream takes shape through the things you learn on the way.Hani Mourra spent many years blogging about video tips on his site ( It was in those years of blogging that Hani learned a lot about how