Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 205: Kacie Main – Removing Distractions to Reconnect with Yourself



No one else can determine what it takes for YOU to feel content and fulfilled in life. Society tries to put each of us in a mold, prescribing the steps we should take and the path we should follow. Today’s show focuses on why you need to approach your dreams in a way that is best for you, and not based on what anyone else says.  Kacie Main released her debut book in February 2019. It’s titled, I Gave Up Men for Lent: The Story of a Jaded, Hopelessly Romantic, Health-Conscious Party Girl’s Search for Meaning. Born and raised in Florida, Kacie enjoyed a successful career in the corporate world before leaving it all behind to pursue her dreams of becoming a full-time writer. Kacie holds bachelor’s degrees in Psychology and Communications and a master’s degree in Business Administration. Is writing a real job? Do you have a passion that you would love to make a full-time job? Kacie wasn’t aware of her dreams to be a writer, but writing has always been the way she feels most comfortable in communicating feeli