Yakkin With Nick

Yakkin With Nick Ep.43 Yakkin With My Granpda



Geoffrey Hazelton is my father's father, and has been an inspiring and very encouraging figure in my life. I think one of my greatest advantages in life has been an amazing family who encouraged learning, critical thinking, and setting yourself apart. The elder Hazelton's in my life really sparked my interest in politics at a young age, this is where I got my desire to speak my mind and challenge ideas.  My grandfather is one of my favorite teachers. I may have introduced some novel and important ideas to his world, but he has studied and broken down many of these ideas for me. A lot of my knowledge on stoicism comes from discussions we've had and a daily stoic practice journal he gave me a few years ago.  I didn't know much about Grampa Jeff's life, just some of the highlights, so I wanted to dig a bit deeper today. We discussed his life journey and some of the important lessons he has learned while living on this planet.