Hail Satire! With Vic Shuttee

The Daily Show Weekly: Oct 6-9, 2003 | A Vic and Chandler Rewatch



JULY 27, 2020 - It's THE DAILY SHOW WEEKLY, hosted by Vic Shuttee (@VicShuttee) and Chandler Dean (@chandlerjdean)! In the 200th week of Jon Stewart’s Daily experiment, the show offers full team coverage of the California Recall race, complete with eerie parallels to the 2016 election courtesy of Arianna Huffington and also, Nutz Brand Soda takes what may be its final stand. Plus, the first Steve Carell field piece in an eternity, and what could always be the last! The Daily Show Weekly: A Vic and Chandler Rewatch is an unofficial fan podcast designed to serve as a critical companion to the “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart”, which belongs to Comedy Central and can be watched in clips at CC.com. Our thoughts and criticism are intended to offer historical reflection and enhance the viewing experience for new and old fans journeying through Jon Stewart’s seminal talk show run. Our awesome album artwork is designed by Felipe Flores Comics, and our theme music is by Michael Turnage! #SchwarziMatrix