Axis Ideas

Sex Ed from an App? - Culture Translator Podcast #039



1. NewsGuard What it is: A web browser extension that aims to detect fake news not via algorithm, but by having real humans review an article, the site, and even the company behind it. Why it’s a step: With unreliable sources given prominence on social media because of their ability to increase user engagement, it’s good that some are dedicated to combating the problem. Their color-coding system and “Nutrition Label” make it easy to see why a site is given its rating. However, as good of a tool as it can be, it’s important to realize that it’s not a solution because it doesn’t solve the real problem: our lack of discernment. This simply moves our trust from proven-corruptible orgs to another potentially corruptible org. So rather than using it as our or our teens’ filter, let’s treat it as one of many tools we can use to grow discernment and critical thinking skills.   2. Roo What is it: On Thursday, Planned Parenthood launched their new chatbot Roo, which seeks to “get young peoplepersonalized answers to the