Axis Ideas

How to Reconcile and Reengage with "Others" // Elizabeth Behrens - PRS SPECIAL #040



Today, we have something very special. This entire episode is a 1/50th excerpt of the brand new Parenting Relationships Summit releasing for free on February 14th.  To learn more about this episode, Elizabeth Behrens, or get MANY more episodes like this + the video that accompanies the audio, go to  Thanks for listening!  We love when we can do little in-between-isodes like these!  We have 49 other subjects, interviews, and experts from the summit, and we want to send a few more of them your way!  Please email if you want any specific speakers/talks from featured on the podcast BEFORE the summit is released!  As always, feel free to subscribe so you keep getting these cultural insights dropped straight to your device so you can start conversations about them as soon as technologically possible.