Healing Outside The Box

HOTB 256: Treating autism with broccoli sprouts. Part 2



Welcome to part 2 of my series on the possibility of treating autistic symptoms with broccoli sprouts. This week we put theory into practice with some tips about how to prepare broccoli and broccoli sprouts in a form on the kitchen table that children with autism might eat. After all, even Pres. George H.W. Bush didn't like to eat his broccoli. But when it comes to sprouts, we can chop them finely or blend them, and in that way, hide them in the food. But before we get to hiding it in our food, it bears repeating that sulforaphane found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables is a potent anti-oxidant that appears to fight oxidative damage to our cells. There is strong evidence for sulforaphane battling rapidly growing cancer cells, preventing the aging of cells, and possibly fighting off whatever it is that is responsible for the symptoms of autism. There is a great article that gets into details about sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts in terms of its overall benefits. That article can be found here. T