Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Watching Superhero Movies



Look at that episode art! LOOK AT IT!!! It's...super, right?! Shawn may not have the beard anymore, but his beard lives on in all our hearts. And Christopher...he's kinda super (for a crusty 50-year old!) Hell, this episode was RECORDED on the day Gorilla Christopher turned 50. So to keep the fleeting moment alive before entropy envelops him, you should listen to this episode! * * * We kick it off with the first -- and last -- superhero movies we saw (and have seen). After that, find out our favorite (and least favorite) superhero movies. We devote a little time to our best superhero movie experiences...and why we think superhero movies finally took hold in popular culture. We chat a bit about if we prefer our superhero movies to match comics exactly, or deviate a bit...and then we discuss our favorite TV superhero shows. Robert Pattinson as Batman has some slobbery geeks' undies all bundled around their pebbly nads. We give our thoughts on the latest Batman choice...and then talk about t