Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Being Brainwashed



You will listen to Men in Gorilla Suits... You will spread the good news about Men in Gorilla Suits... You will listen to Men in Gorilla Suits... You will spread the good news about Men in Gorilla Suits... You will listen to Men in Gorilla Suits... You will spread the good news about Men in Gorilla Suits... This time around, we're talking about brainwashing...specifically, these points: When was the first time you heard of the concept of brainwashing? Who's the first person you ever saw brainwashed or radicalized in any way? What is brainwashing, in your opinion? How long has brainwashing been a part of the American experience? Have you ever been brainwashed? What's the most benign example of brainwashing you've seen? What's the scariest? Does the internet make it easier to brainwash people? Why are some people more suggestible to brainwashing? Can brainwashing ever be used for good? How do we combat brainwashing, or try to help those who have been radicalized? What's the future of brainwashing i