Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Quitting Things



After 319 episodes, we have made the decision to...keep going with the podcast! Okay, so we didn't decide a thing...we do the show almost automatically, now. But since the episode is about quitting things (habits, jobs, and so much more), we of course must make the joke that it's all over. It's not. This is what we talk about this time around: What’s one of the earliest things you remember quitting? Have you ever quit a job suddenly? Why, and what happened? Do you think people should quit their job and pursue their passions? What is the biggest thing you quit? At least in the United States, we seem to love quotes like, “Winners are not people who never fail. Winners are people who never quit!” Why do you think we sell the story that quitting is bad? Is there anything you’ve quit that you regret quitting? When is quitting a good idea? Is there anything in your life you feel you should quit? If so, what and why? Why do you think it’s so hard for people to quit certain things? Do you think most people