Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Watching YouTube



A busy week, and Gorilla Shawn is traveling, so we'll get right to the talking points of this episode about YouTube: When did you first become aware of YouTube--and how did you stumble upon it? What are some of the earliest things you remember seeing on YouTube? What are some of the funniest things you've seen on YouTube. What are some of the coolest things you've learned on YouTube. Do you subscribe to any YouTube Channels? (If so, what are some of your favorite channels?) Do YOU have a YouTube channel? (What's it like?) What role do you think YouTube plays in politics (good, bad, or otherwise)? Are there aspects of YouTube you find problematic? If so, what? What do you think about YouTube when it comes to copyright? (i.e. movie clips, albums, and other things shared on the platform.) What do you think about "YouTube Celebrities" and how much money some people make on the platform? Do you think they are comparable to other celebrities? If there's one thing you could change or add to YouTube, what wou