Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...In a Movie Theater



The Gorillamen have talked about movies, but this time around, it's all about movie theaters. Specifically: What is your first memory in a movie theater? What was your best movie theater experience? What was your worst movie theater experience? What do you love about movie theaters? What do you hate about movie theaters? Do you prefer going to a movie theater or watching things at home? I once heard someone say upscale movie theaters are ridiculous. What do you think about movie theaters where you can get food and drinks while kicked back in a massive chair? What's the last movie you've seen in a theater? What's your favorite movie theater concession? Are you eager to return to watching movies in theaters after COVID hit, or are you done with theaters? What other things do you think movie theaters can do to stay relevant in a time when many prefer their home theaters? What is the future of movie theaters?