L.a.b.chats With Krista Pettiford

* Bonus Episode* A Call To God’s Daughters For Such A Time As This



Hey Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing a word of encouragement from the book of Esther. Just as with Esther, there is a call to God's daughters for such a time as this. Even though it will take courage to do what God has called you to do, He has called you to the Kingdom, not to remain silent but to rise up and use your influence and your voice to affect change against injustice and the racial prejudice of our day. If you choose to remain silent, deliverance will come from somewhere else, but one day it might be you that needs someone to stand again oppression with you. Esther found the clarity and confidence she needed to do the hard thing through fasting and prayer. Three ways that you can affect change beginning now is to be the bridge that brings those that are disconnected together. Bring solutions to the table instead of opinions and mindsets that keep us divided. Be led by love in your thinking, your conversations, and your actions. Please subscribe, like, and share this video. Connect with me: Webs