L.a.b.chats With Krista Pettiford

You Are Called To Know God As Father - Relationship Over Religion



In this episode, I'm sharing from the book of Ephesians chapter one what it means to know God as Father. He desires to have an intimate relationship with you. Your calling from God is more than the works you do. Secularly speaking, a calling is your vocation but Biblically speaking your calling is an invitation from God to, first of all, have a relationship with Him then to be who He called you to be, to do the good works He created you to do and win life.   You are accepted in the Beloved.  Your approval from God does not come from the works you do but it comes from His grace and love for you. Please subscribe to the podcast, rate, and share it with friends. If you want to leave me a comment, need prayer, or have questions you can connect with me: Website:http://kristapettiford.com Instagram: http://Instagram.com/kristapettiford Facebook http://Facebook.com/kristapettifordpage