In The Trenches

ITT 007: Vagabonding with Benjamin Jenks



Vagabonding 101: Have you ever wanted to pick up your backpack, head out the door and leave your world behind? In a very real way, that’s exactly what Benjamin Jenks did. Most people only dream of backpacking across the country – Benjamin took action. But Benjamin didn’t set out onto the open road to run away from anything – he set out to overcome his shyness. What followed was over 23,000 miles of hitchhiking across the United States while couch surfing for over 400 days.  In the process, Benjamin met and interacted with dozens of people, had some crazy adventures and overcame his shyness once and for all. Talk about a crash course in fear conquering. In today’s broadcast, Benjamin and I talk about what it’s like to face fear head on, hitchhike across the United States, create viral videos and how he managed to afford his lifestyle through online business. Don’t think it’s possible to live whatever type of lifestyle you’d like to live?  Maybe you need to listen to this interview to see just how possible any