In The Trenches

ITT 010: Marketing Strategy with Tommy Walker (part 2 of 2)



Today’s broadcast is part 2 in a 2 part series. Part 1 can be found by clicking here.  In part 1 (broadcast 9), Tommy and I talk about crowd funding.  What it is, how it works, and how to successfully create a crowd funding campaign for your product. Content Marketing 101  In today's broadcast, Tommy Walker explains everything there is to know about content marketing. What is content marketing? Simply put: it's content with a purpose (and that purpose is to elicit one of 4 responses - see below). As Tommy explains, every time you interact with a piece of content, it’s a transaction.  If you're reading this blog post right now, you're exchanging your time and attention for information from me.  All content works this way (from youtube to books to live music), but unless it has a purpose, it's not content marketing. The 4 types (and purposes) for content: Viral Content: To be shared Discussion Content: To be commented on / discussed Lead Content: To get a lead (filling out a form, email address, etc.) Sale