In The Trenches

ITT 020: How to Develop Courage In Writing with Dave Ursillo



Courage and Writing A lot of people have books in them... But how many take the time to actually write them? Enter: Dave Ursillo - a multi-published author and entrepreneur who helps creative self-starters live their leadership through artistry. Dave’s written 8 books, is the leader of the Literati Writers – a small, private community of writers, and has done numerous speaking engagements around the country on the topics of communication and leadership. In today's broadcast, Dave and I sat down to discuss a topic near and dear to my heart: COURAGE in writing Dave shares his journey from working in politics to writing books and coaching writers full time.  While his story is interesting in and of itself, Dave also walks us through actionable steps to developing courage in writing and entrepreneurship. Weather you are interested in writing, or you want actionable steps to develop courage and self-belief in your own artistry and business, today's broadcast is for you. Oh, and if you enjoyed today's broadcast,