In The Trenches

ITT 021: Working in the Gift Economy with Adrian Hoppel



The Business of Giving No contracts. No selling. No price. That's how today's guest, Adrian Hoppel, a Philadelphia-based web designer, does "business." Instead, he simply gives his work away - as a gift - and expects nothing in return. Yet instead of being taken advantage of, Adrian's business has flourished. Last year, he worked on 25 projects and ended up getting paid more per project than he would have had he used fixed pricing. And less than half way through this year, Adrian's already more than tripled his total projects from last year (in fact, he's had to hire multiple employees...and get this: they ALL work in the gift economy). And the requests for his gift-based work continue to flow in. In today's broadcast, we talk all about the Gift Economy, Pay What You Want pricing, how to build and manage a team in the gift economy, and even touch on Adrian's military background and how it's helped him in his new efforts. Seriously, this is one of the most fun interviews I've done and Adrian's story is incredi